The AstroGuy Podcast
The podcast for Amateur Astronomers. Topics, interviews, information and fun for whatever level of Amateur Astronomy you're at or heading towards.
The AstroGuy Podcast
Buying a Telescope - A beginner's guide
Wayne Zuhl
In this episode, we discuss what a person getting into the hobby should do, regarding equipment. We’ll talk about what you should start with as well as pointing out some things to avoid. Learn about some budget instruments that are relatively inexpensive, to some mid-range starter ideas that will be less than $1000, and even some options where you can get into basic astrophotography as well.
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The Full Episode Guide of DSO’s sorted by Catalog Name: https://tinyurl.com/AstroGuyAllEpisodes1
Click here to download the buying guide with links to all the items discussed in the episode.