The AstroGuy Podcast

What's Up in the September 2023 Skies?

Wayne Zuhl

Thank you to all our watchers and listeners! We’ve been doing this for 2 years now and we couldn’t have done it without you.

Listen in for an upcoming contest where one lucky listener will have the opportunity to win a metal print of an image that I took of the North American and Pelican Nebulae.

 Feel free to buy us a cup of coffee or two! Thanks!

In this episode, we look at what planets are visible and how to find them. We discuss the newly discovered Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura. As well as a great resource where you make custom finder charts for the comet and other objects.

We also explore some of the best deep sky objects that can be seen in the sky this month. We also referenced a couple of episodes from the Great Astronomers series, including both William and Caroline Herschel. Sir William Herschel Episode: Caroline Herschel Episode:

Here's the episode guide listing all the deep sky objects we discussed with links to finder charts.

Enjoy the episode!